16 March 2013

Homemade Vapor Rub

For my birthday I received some essential oils and the makings for different salves.  Today in the midst of studying for finals, instead of taking a nap when I was exhausted I made a cup of chai tea and made a vapor rub.

melt in a double boiler:
-1/3 ounce of beeswax
-1 Tbsp. shea butter
turn off heat and add:
-4 Tbsp. coconut oil
-30 drops of various essential oils
transfer to a 4 oz tin 

I used
-10 drops eucalyptus
-5 drops tea tree
-5 drops camphor
-5 drops peppermint
-3 drops rosemary
-2 drops lemon

So basically that means :
-1 part beeswax
-2 part shea butter
-8 part coconut oil

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