07 March 2009

Fight Malaria

I think that I had mentioned in a previous post about a mosquito net distribution program that all the volunteers in Kedougou are working on.

Last year they did a big comprehensive project covering two arrondissments with universal mosquito net coverage. This year we want to take it up notch and cover the whole health district of Saraya.

Net Life is raising funds to supply the nets to us PCVs here in Kedougou. Now, Against Malaria, a mosquito distributing NGO, is matching any funding the Net Life puts up.

$2.50 is all it takes for a mosquito net.

It's simple to donate - just go here


This is a comprehensive, fully transparent project. These nets will not be sold on the black market. They will be delivered directly to villagers by Peace Corps volunteers in conjunction with the local health infrastructure.

It is a tragedy that more isn't being done in the fight against malaria: there is no vaccine for malaria (and with the way the rest of the world contributes to the funding of the search, it doesn't look like there will be one soon). Mosquito nets are a great way to prevent malaria because the mosquitoes that carry the disease only bite at night.

Please tell friends and family about this project, it really is a great way to help SAVE LIVES of thousands of Senegalese men, women and CHILDREN.



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